Friday, 3 May 2013

Analyzing the importance of Social Signals

With the popularity of various social networking sites reaching a new high, greater bonus is being placed on social signals. Also referred to as social ranking factors, there’s an ongoing foggy debate over the growing importance of social signals over traditional links. As Google looks for nothing but quality, the most proficient and effective search optimization campaigns would be those which have a perfect mix of high quality, fresh website content along with an array of natural links and social ranking factors. Therefore, if you want the best results, you must team up links with social signals.

Though a lot of articles on various websites and forums discuss the importance of links at great lengths, social signals do not enjoy as much exposure and coverage as they deserve. So, let’s take a look at some of the major social ranking factors which are given greater weight by various search engines:
    social signals
  • Facebook Signals: Facebook likes and shares are as important as links, as they demonstrate that not only is your content being viewed but being passed on as well. Comments also indicate involvement of users. Therefore, your authority over these three elements would help you improve your rankings.
  • Twitter Signals: Though the number of Tweets and followers do not yield any benefit, but mentions, Re-tweets and links within Tweets will have a very positive impact on your social signals.
  • Google+ Signals: As with other social networking platforms, it is not the numbers but the authority of user that influences your rankings. In addition, adds and shares are assigned greater weight to those members who hold high authority on Google+.

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